only the true stay poor


dim spotlights

...but that was almost 5 years ago.  So there was a little interview that my ol' friend william thidemann did with me in the fall of 2006 for Prick magazine.
Other than some photos of work popping up in mostly european tattoo magazines and a few american ones, this is the most exposure I've really had over the years.  I've got a pile of pictures and whatnot to send off, but you'll probably see most of 'em up here first anyways.

so to celebrate unpublished work... here is a badass pirate girl with a nice booty fighting a leviathan on the lovely steph...

(oh, and the name of the shop at the end of the article should have read "A-1 Tattoo Company" and not "art insurgency") 

girls, girls, girls... and one dude

meet my buddy trevor... on his brother's leg

roller chick
naval chick... not the belly button kind
the twins



let's put some more paintery things up in this mug...
rhinocerice cream for cheaper than show 07

for a skatepark fund raiser

unused album art

for a dia de los muertos show in denver

some olderish stuff

fresh and dead gypsies

not new... but still 8-legged shocking

 someday i'm going to figure out how to put these all together in one line.
 but it doesn't seem to want to play with me fair at the moment.
so we'll just keep dealing... and see if it works accidentally...

zombies prey... er.... pray

let's drag up some older stuff to make this thing a little more thorough...

andrew has a neck

rick has a last name

shit... snakes are fast... we are screwed


someone said today that a blog full of pictures isn't a blog... i tend to agree, and especially in this case... but find me a cheaper way to throw together an accessible site of work for people to check out your crap and I'll do it.  Otherwise, this will at least tide people over and bridge a gap between forthcoming ventures and escapades.  Plus, I can use the "blog" to throw crap together that wouldn't fit too well on some tidy fancy site.  I used to have one of those with an actual URL (, but it is a pain in the butt for programing and once it goes down hill... it's gone.  So for at least now, this is what you get.

maybe someday i'll turn it into some music blog with cool mixes or something... but i guess i'd have to change the name.

like being shot out of a friggin' cannon...

let's get out of bed, put our pants on, and see where this takes us...