only the true stay poor


last o' the phone photos...

...and speaking of phone stuff:   I forgot that a few years ago the shop had printed my instagram handle wrong on the cards, so I just took the easier route and went ahead and changed it to match the cards.  So for the instagram of various little bits and bobs, it is @geoff_mc

first paintin' done in a year or so... should probably get more on that stuff

had to work around the name, but had fun getting all noodley with this hellmouthy thingy


mo' fotos...

going and going...

messin' around with single needles with kenny

healed for a while

dragged some photos over from my crappy iphone...

...I really should get a newer one that works better, but apparently is made an awkward size and complained about as much as my oldish one is. So sorry if they aren't so nice... but they are in some semi-chronological order.


addin' more for good measure

is this thing still on? ...almost forgot about this

Gonna try posting a little bit more.  It's been so damned long.  But I got my ankle broken, so gonna try to get rolling on a bit more painting and shit too when I find the time.  

the hardest thing to get this extracurricular stuff done is just gettin' started.