only the true stay poor


last o' the phone photos...

...and speaking of phone stuff:   I forgot that a few years ago the shop had printed my instagram handle wrong on the cards, so I just took the easier route and went ahead and changed it to match the cards.  So for the instagram of various little bits and bobs, it is @geoff_mc

first paintin' done in a year or so... should probably get more on that stuff

had to work around the name, but had fun getting all noodley with this hellmouthy thingy


jimenajudith said...

Hello Geoff,
I was wondering if you'd please let me know how many hours it took you to complete the Solar System sleeves you did on this guy's arms, I saw it in google I wish I could attach a photo, but I did try to contact you via Sanitary Electric tattoos asking the same question if you could let me know here would be sweet. Out of all the solar system or even Astronomy tattoos yours was the neatest, easiest to read very crisp and perfectly done.

jimenajudith said...

Btw, the guy you tattooed this awesome artowrk ion s named Jimmy Marshall, he posted on Reddit it took about 10 months, 2x a month sessions to allow healing and all. But that he lost count the hours were so many :O

geoff said...

Hey jimenajudith !!!! (not really sure how to respond via the page and hadn't seen the other email yet for some reason) Yep, that took a while. We did have a few months off here and there and not always twice a month. But it did take a while and was the first time I attacked anything like this. My guess is around 35 hours, give or take a few. It got me a little Reddit famous for a few. I guess it was up on the front page for a few days.

thank you so much for the complements. It was fun one and a learning experience. Thanks!

jimenajudith said...

I estimated between 35-40, thank you for replying Geoff, keep up the phenomenal tattoos really inspiring the dedication, investment, heart and soul put into that Solar System sleeve. I tear up b/c my ultimate tattoo dream and dream in general would be to get either a sleeve or back piece honoring the Universe. I'm a recent math & physics grad and I adore Astronomy/Astrophysics, oceanography,marine bio just about anything natural sciences its my life my everything. However, at this very moment im at a crucial turning point and to start something so demanding and worthy would be unrealistic impossible. I'm used to sacrifices blood, sweat and tears, but I have no choice other than to wait for the right time,Vancouver and the provinces west of the Rockies out to the Pacific (BC, Alberta,NWT,Yukon & Saskatchewan)have always been my favorite so uninhibited and beautiful same applies to the states Alaska to Baja, the Rockies to the Pacific, I may be of Belarusan heritage, but my heart belongs to the wild west.

geoff said...

Thanks again JJ... I just started another solar system piece. Trying to see what I can do different this time and make fit to the client's flow. It's become sort of a weird forte, but this space stuff seems to also meet me some interesting people.

Congratulations on knocking out that PhD (I'm not actually sure what they it's actually called for math & physics). I totally understand what you are saying. I wish I had another life-time and enough money to go back to school and study some heavy duty history and even get back in to some sciences as well. Although art, science, and history get a lot of my attention, for some reason I got a proper Business BBA after I dropped out of art school. But if somehow I get a do-over, I'll tweak my life a little different next time.

Life is short, yet there is still a decent amount of time ahead, as well. Now is also not a good time for me to do a lot of things, but you can always keep that bucketlist going and you'd be surprised what life throws at you... some of it, like travel, research, and exploration, and even tattoo projects sometimes end up going together.

Safe travels and I wish you the best, good to know there is people out there that are excited about the bigger world and universe out there.

jimenajudith said...

You're wonderful a true professional Geoff, thank you for your kind words I'm humbled and just doing what I love regardless of there being people better at than me I do work rigorously. I'bet you met amazing people. I had a difficult dysfunctional early life a child of rape and having someone you love most telling you you'll never be good enough b/c you're really short and not making more is traumatizing. I may be very scientific have been such a nerd for as long as I can remember and am passionate about learning all I can about not just my address on this Universe the place I call home, but beyond that. I''m very spiritual it's the Aquarius in me and even when my faith is tested constantly when im enraged, resentful, disheartened by revolting human acts i crumble, but then I rise and become stronger. I care about contributing to those suffering untreatable conditions, animals I'm a huge animal lover, preserving our planet in my lifetime and advocating others to continue. Basically, just making the world better in my small way. Not everything is always good news, there's so much we've yet to endure just like us celestial objects are very much alive and active they too have a birth & death much more prolonged of course. I don't know how so MANY people don't give a f**k about anything more than disposable unimpressive objects I get some sentimental valueables, but there's more to life than just taking 4,000 selfies of asses in overpriced yoga pants in the span of a year. It's enlightening to prove to narrow minded people that tattooing can be sacred and meaningful if designed to give the artwork justice, just like gambling, listening to whatever music you want isnt sinful if it makes you a better person. I despise how little respect you guys and gals receive when disingenuous politicians get worshipped it's ridiculous. It's been a pleasure talking with you and I apologize for imposing never say never and never quit b/c fighters/survivors receive blessings. Best wishes and much prosperity in every facet to you as well.