only the true stay poor

12.08.2022 ...part of an alternative to the grams logo with ink spilling on pixelfed logo
As I've mentioned recently, I'm slowly moving into nerdery world. So over the last little bit I focused my spare time on setting up a thingy for some of y'all that smooshes the creative & the tech stuff together.

There's a damn good chance that you've never heard of Pixelfed, but you may have heard of Mastodon. If you're a Twitter user or adjacent to one, then you've probably heard some buzz about the alternative not-twitter-clone open-source decentralized microblogging service that is Mastodon.

It's pretty standard social media stuff, but to be honest for many it does take some nerd-tolerance to dip one's toes in and get swimmin' in it. Much like the first time you programmed a VCR, so was it with Myspace, Facebook, and Instagram. Yet, there are some refreshing differences with these open source decentralized services that are owned by the humans on them and not by trust-fund dweebs getting rich off of tax-payer-funded government projects, using underpaid immigrant labor, fucking up SF Bay's cost-of-living, and building their media empires on the content the users are making for free. Especially the shitty content. 

I've got a pile of links below that explain it better and more concise than I can. But I'll quickly try to do it without involving the same ol' "email" analogy so many use:

To talk about this decentralized open source software (OSS) ethical alternative to corporate owned social media platforms maybe the best is with analogies using geographical terms...

If the big ol' internet webs is like all of the world, then "Fediverse" is like a large country within the world that is the internet.

branches of the fediverse explains how the fediverse protocols are connected and the different focuses of the apps

The Fediverse is made up of several apps that use protocols which allows them to interact with each other. (for instance, Mastodon & Pixelfed use "Activity Pub")

It would be like if Instagram accounts could "like" & comment on posts and even follow accounts over on Twitter, Facebook, Youtube, or Reddit & vice versa. This is basically the idea Dorsey's Bluesky is trying to  copy  create with his AT protocol. Except the Fediverse has been rolling for over a decade, runs on free & open source code, and isn't at the behest of corporate boardrooms, stock prices, or companies with large advertising budgets & PR problems (or still tied in with Elmo).

Going further down this decentralized rabbithole, each app is like a city within this Fediverse country. Mastodon would be sorta like a city there. Pixelfed would be another. 

fediverse apps using activity pub shown like cities on a map

And within the city that is Mastodon there are several "instances" (servers) that are like neighborhoods where people's accounts reside.

Each account has a local feed to see what others in their neighborhood (instance) are chatting about. They also have a global feed for what the rest of the city & country (Mastodon + other apps) are discussing. And there is a "home" feed which let's them know what everyone they specifically follow are talking about/sharing, including those they follow in other cities (apps).

Of course one can share links from the rest of the world (internet), but because of protocols like Activity Pub, one can actually interact with pretty much anyone within the whole Fediverse "nation" with relative ease.

Yet all of this is done without algorithms or advertising crammed into every 3 or 4 posts. No Ads. Just posts as they come.

Pretty dope shit.

current pixelfed logo

What I'm trying to say with that long-ass preface is that I've spun up a Pixelfed instance.

Like Mastodon is to Twitter, Pixelfed is essentially an alternative (not a clone) to Instagram. At first, I was a bit apprehensive about the name I chose, but I wanted to retain the "pixelfed" name and the domain wasn't taken.

So it's

Here's why I believe Pixelfed may be a decent place to be for some of us creative dorks and here's some of my hopes for

Again, zero ads or corporate bullshit. But one of the sweetest things I miss from old forums (like Read Street) is Pixelfed's vibe is way chiller and not filled with a wack-load of selfies, family photos, or foodie pics. It's pretty much geared towards artistic photos.

As much as that sounds easier on the eyes and the soul, Pixelfed is currently inundated with pictures of cityscapes at dawn & birds on old fence posts. Because of the nature of federation and the different instances, I feel that we could make a place for those of us with more "low-brow" tastes and liven things up the timelines of Pixelfed as well as those of Mastodon and other Fediverse apps.

pixelfed user growth

And Pixelfed's growth is mirroring Mastodon's & the Fediverse's recent explosive growth. Seems like the right time to plant a flag in Fediverse country and hopefully draw some more peeps over, too.

Another plus is that if anyone wants to just post cool stuff and use it like an easily shareable gallery, then it's there for them. Most people I know don't have IG accounts. Try sharing work posted there with any of them. It's pointless. For the most part they can't check your stuff out without having to create an account. Pixelfed is a way that an artist can post stuff and share with damn near anybody.

Which is another reason I stuck with the "pixelfed" name. I figure it'd be more straight-forward and could be on a business card or a link in an email and avoid an embarassing or confusing URL for users to share. (i am up for suggestions, but I am pretty sold on "". it's grown on me faster than some goofy name like "instagram" or "twitter" ever did)

The big hope is that some of you bohemian creative types (e.g., illustrators, tattooers, street-artists, sign-painters, punk/metal album/poster/merch designers) will use as an alternative to the meta-corp's instagram or at least find a second home there. I assume that many of us will keep our IG accounts for bill-paying reasons of promoting our work & whatnot, because "promotion" is pretty much what that place is all about. But for those of us that want to have a place to actually share our artistic stuff to not just Instagram users and for fun & some kudos, we will use it as a landing pad for showcasing our more creative artsy-fartsy-er endeavors. Pixelfed is that alternative. 

(another super neato thing is that most other Fediverse users can repost/boost/retweet (whatever you want to call it) your posts as well. Something IG absolutely cannot. Your IG posts & comments live & die mostly within your account's circle of follower on that app. Meanwhile, the Fediverse isn't limiting like that. I often "boost" my Pixelfed posts with a Mastodon account pretty regularly so that they can get reach well outside of even my mastodon followers there. As Mastodon & Pixelfed grows this'll just get more expansive.)

Hell, maybe some of us will eventually delete the IG like so many have already done in the Great #TwitterMigration of 2022. (just as most of us we did with myspace, 4chan, facebook, etc.) I spend about 98% less time on the broken bird app now and have been visiting & posting on IG so little over these last years that I pretty much feel uninspired & gross every time I open it up. (or maybe I'm just getting older and my tolerance for bullshit is waning)

A few issues...

Open source. That's great! But while in many ways it's more trustworthy and safer than corporate platforms, it can sometimes be/feel klunky. So some tolerance for self-reliance & nerdery and the ability to "roll with punches" is required. With the influx of refugees from bigger platforms comes the nerds creating more & more awesome features alongside the fixes for glitches. But change can be slow or in random spurts. It's not going to be perfect. There's not a well-paid IT team working on making you understand why you may have to input another account's address in the search bar in order to click through to see their whole account in its natural form.

So it's not gonna be pristine. Yet, neither is/was any other centralized corporate platform at any point in their history.

Oh! And the main developer (who also runs the OG is an average but smart AF Canadian dude. That's some OSS!

Servers/Instances. I rent & run the server that makes run. While I've dabbled here & there with front-end stuff for decades, I'm pretty new to this back-end server admin stuff. Luckily most of the coding is already done for us (thanks @dansup). I've made some cosmetic tweaks that will set apart from the other instances. Even making it so you know when you're on a page or not. But there's a looonnnggg list of features that are beyond my control at the moment.

As well, I set up the server and pay for it all by my lonesome. I've got an alright deal going, but can't fit a ton of people on it. Most instances limit the number of users so as not to wreck their servers. On top of cached data from other instances across the fediverse, uploaded pics & videos from users take up a ton of space. So for now, I'm going to limit the amount of users to 50. We may never come close to that or we could hit that ceiling within a week.

I may eventually take small donations for upkeep and/or expansion, yet this will never be a pay-for service and I don't want this to be like a second job. It should mostly just run itself with minimal hiccups. Too many users means too many headaches. On top of that, I'm hoping people will realize that they only need to upload photos sized 300KB or less.. A load of 2+MB files will fill up storage super fast and slow down profile page loading. (some more on that below)

I also ponder eventually moving to a self-host-at-home situation. But that wouldn't be for at least a year and I don't really see the trade-offs quite adding up.

That being said, is on a Hetzner server (a German green company running on 100% renewable energy) that's located in the eastern US (to keep it closer to home). They just opened up an even closer west-coast location, so we may be moving it in the future if an upgrade is needed.

• Registering/Onboarding. Instances on many of the other other federated apps (e.g., Mastodon, Pleroma) have either open Signups or they are closed with strict restrictions on joining. Unfortunately Pixelfed's current configuration only allows for open or closed Signups (but there is a solution the devs are currently working on).

So to keep the user-load and content not too out of sorts, I've tweaked a few things so that it requires anyone interested to email me at and tell me why they want to join & share reference/links to creative stuff they do. Then I will send them a link to be able to sign up.

I really don't want to gate-keep. But to keep the amount of users manageable and to keep it to semi-serious creative-types, I am resigned to be's "gatekeeper".

I'm not really all that strict or picky though. I just want to make a home for like-minded peeps. Users are welcome to post whatever (yes, boobies & butts are kosher in your tattoo/art pics). Even the dog and dinner pics are fine, but the goal is to have mostly creative stuff. The pixelfed-vibe is that your selfies should remain over on the Zuckerburp-owned platforms. If ya email me & get turned down, there is currently over 365 other pixelfed instances to join.

And because of the nature of the Fediverse, if users wanna mostly just follow accounts, they don't even have to join Pixelfed. The best move would be to make a Mastodon or any fed-elsewhere account and follow away. (my Pixelfed account follows and is almost exclusively followed by Mastodon accounts)

Phone Apps. Most are works-in-progress and all are open source & free. So some nerd-tolerance is required.

iPhone homescreen with as an app

Android has Fedilab, PixelDroid, or one can make it its own app on the homescreen.

iOS is less OSS-friendly, but there is a beta Pixelfed app that currently runs through Testflight. Or one can also make it its own app on the homescreen.

As for me, I prefer to do most of it with the browser on my laptop. It's easier to search and copy & paste others' URL posts and edit my own pics for posting. There is also editing within Pixelfed. It just isn't as feature-rich as IG. So it's up to you if you are an "app-person" or prefer the browser to get around and/or use easy-peasy online editing options.

speaking of... 

Size. Currently each account on is limited to 1GB. I will eventually increase it, but images much over 200KB images on social media is pretty pointless and it'll take a while to get to a gigabyte's worth of storage. Videos/stories will take up more space, but we'll see how that goes.

One can post .jpeg, .png, .gif, and .webp image files and .mp4 video files, yet unlike most other platforms the image files stay in the same format. So if you have a cool .png with an empty background (e.g., the logos here or my canadian-iron-front post), it stays like that.

That's pretty awesome. currently retains & displays an 80% image quality of each file. Meanwhile, for various reasons (mostly storage) bigger centralized platform reduce the quality much more than that and store/display files as shoddier .jpegs.

And exif data isn't saved on the server. Pretty cool shit.

Free  ...but it costs me a little. If a buttload of users join up, then it starts getting costly really fast. So I may take donations. Many larger instances do this and often end up with more than enough funds to have larger, smoother, and faster running servers so that users get more out of it. For now, tips from tattoo clients covers all this pretty well. So I'll keep the user-ship manageable at no more than 50 users. Also if I get to working from home more, it'll be easier to keep an eye on a bigger populace and to maintain a bigger server setup. For now, this is just a heavy-duty hobby that I am inviting several of you to enjoy. 

Especially those that were able to keep up & read this friggin' far.

Pixelfed is not a clone of or replacement for Instagram. It has nothing to do with blockchain or "web3" silliness. And other than me gaining some knowledge & experience, not a single person is profiting off of any of this (unless a user picks up some new clients or art-commissions).

This is a foray into the world of open-source non-ad-filled non-corporate decentralization. For what it is, it's pretty dope and runs like federated apps using Activity Pub should. As more join up and figure this stuff out, the features will get awesomer and the bugs will get more easily squashed.

And with, I'll even be able to tweak stuff to make it more homey for users as I get acquainted with it. And what I figure out there could get used elsewhere on pixelfed or fed-elsewhere... and vice versa. That's open source for ya. 

You can't do that with the other platforms. Doubtful that Bluesky will even let that happen whenever it comes around. So Fuck all of 'em hard.

And there's no reason not to have accounts on both or to try out the Fediverse for a bit and see if it's your speed or not. I'll still be on IG, but is free for y'all to use as ya see fit. Granted, on Pixelfed you ain't gonna make a dime from "clicks", but you own & create the creative content for you and not for some un-creative douchebags in mansions south of San Fran to profit off of.

If you're interested in joining, email with "join" in the subject & throw in some kind of reference/link to your stuff at. Doesn't have to be fancy. Just wanna see some creativity in ya and that you're down to keep artsy & dope shit the main focus on the Pixelfed.

Thanks for reading. On top of all the above links, here's a pile of 'em below to help y'all get acquainted with these not-all-that-new decentralized open source services.

And if you're over there already, my pixelfed account is at favicon with pixelfed logo in a bottle of ink

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